Mastering materials for precision-critical applications

Explore the wide range of metal materials we offer for additive manufacturing.

Our Metal Materials Portfolio

Our MetalFAB systems process a wide range of metal materials to meet the most demanding applications, using process parameters developed by our in-house team of process engineers and metallurgy experts.

Our Quality Control Process

Additive Industries operate within a ‘Process Readiness Level (PRL)’ framework to control the development, and release of new metal materials for our systems. This PRL approach allows us to systematically develop process parameters for new and existing materials based on clear customer and industry requirements and release them to our customers with confidence in their performance, as well as a clear understanding of their level of maturity.

The open architecture of the MetalFAB system means that customers can still however develop their own process parameters or modify the baseline parameters provided by Additive Industries for their specific applications.

PRL Levels Definition:

Engine Block
  • Material behavior in the process is understood
  • Parameters are developed to produce fully dense parts including borders
  • Material structure and physical properties are understood and accepted
  • Basic datasheet and powder specification is available

Conditional parameter set
available for customer
use case by case

  • Capability for building parts including support structure parameters, downskin,
    material dependent scaling and beam compensation
  • Heat treatment trials are conducted and validated
  • Full data sheet is available

Parameter set
fully available for
customer use

  • Material behavior in the process is understood
  • Parameters are developed to produce fully dense parts including borders
  • Material structure and physical properties are understood and accepted
  • Basic datasheet and powder specification is available
  • Capability for building parts including support structure parameters, downskin,
    material dependent scaling and beam compensation
  • Heat treatment trials are conducted and validated
  • Full data sheet is available
  • Repeatability & reproducibility (including system to system) tests are proven
  • High fill grade sensitivity studies proven

Additive Industries Materials: Process Fundamentals

There are many factors which contribute towards the definition of a robust process parameter set and the methodology followed through our PRL process ensures that these factors are fully understood, explored and controlled leading to the production of consistently high-quality parts on our systems.

Because both material characteristics and part geometry are created simultaneously, understanding and controlling these variables is fundamental to success and therefore at the heart of every one of our material parameter sets.

Additive Industries Materials Process Fundamentals

Helping You Choose Your Material

Additive Industries define all released material parameters within 3 categories - Quality, Balanced & Productivity-which provide an indication of their area of application. The starting point for most materials is a ‘Balanced’ parameter set, which gives the best compromise between quality and productivity and allows a wide range a geometries to be successfully produced. The ‘ Quality’ and ‘Productivity’ parameter sets are generally tailored parameters for specific applications and materials, which can include very high-density, extra thin walls, improved surface quality, high deposition rate with lower material density acceptance criteria etc.

Engine Block

High quality parameter for demanding applications/requirements including:

  • High density >99.9%
  • Improved surface finish
  • Dense/controlled thin walls <0.5mm

General purpose parameter for broad range of applications/geometry types:

  • Density >99.8%
  • ASTM standard mechanical properties
  • Good productivity
  • Minimum controlled features 0.5mm

Increased productivity parameter set based on application specific requirements

  • Density tailored to specific requirements
  • Either, surface finish, density or mechanical properties may be sacrificed

More information

Discover the advantages of our open architecture design, delve into the essential parameters of our process development, and understand our powder handling process.

For further information on our available material parameters, or to discuss a bespoke parameter development project with Additive Studios please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.

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