Our Open Architecture

A Customer First Approach

The open architecture of the MetalFAB system means that customers can develop their own process parameters or modify the baseline parameters provided by Additive Industries as a start point for their specific applications. Whilst some system manufacturers either fully lock and hide the parameters used to produce metal parts (closed architecture) or only allow minimal access or visibility to the processing parameters (semi-open), Additive Industries believe strongly that a customer should be able to fully utilise all the available functionality of their system, because every challenge is different.


Additive Industries Open Architecture

  • All parameters are accessible, visible & editable
  • User can create their own parameter sets
  • Additive Industries can support user in developing their own parameter sets

Semi-Open Architecture

  • Access to/visibility of parameters may be restricted
  • Supplied parameters may not be adjustable
  • Users may be charged to develop their own parameters
  • Users may only be able develop a parameter from a ‘blank sheet’

Closed Architecture

  • Process parameters fully locked – not visible/accessible/adjustable
  • Machine OEM owns parameters
  • Not possible for user to create their own parameters

For customers looking for support to unlock the potential of our open architecture, through Additive Studios we can develop bespoke material parameters and process development training courses based on your requirements.

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More information

Discover the definition of key parameters in our process development, and gain insights into our powder handling process.