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Additive World Masterclass IV: Design for Additive Manufacturing

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Only one week is left before the 4th edition of our Additive World Masterclass: Design for Additive Manufacturing will start. The impressive line-up of speakers such as Canadian Cassidy Silbernagel, the two times winner of the Additive World Design for Additive Manufacturing Challenge, Robin Huizing, an experienced designer, but also renown experts from Leonardo MW Ltd, Autodesk, European Space Agency are excited to share their knowledge with the Masterclass audience during Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven on Thursday October 26, 2017.

This Masterclass will allow you to get pragmatic overview of opportunities, challenges and tools related to Design for Additive Manufacturing and will inspire designers and engineers to use the freedom this technology has to offer. We will also launch the 4th edition of the Additive World Design for Additive Manufacturing Challenge, jointly visit the most interesting Dutch Design Week spots at Strijp-S&T and enjoy the drinks while exchanging ideas about the design in additive manufacturing.

Please register now at the Additive World website to be able to participate on this Masterclass (the amount of the seats is limited). We’re looking forward to see you on October 26!

May we count on you?

Additive World Masterclass IV: Design for Additive Manufacturing

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